Setting a record in year sales is no easy feat, especially given the up-and-down economy everyone has faced in 2023.
In order to have a great water park season, you need lots and lots of teenagers to apply for staff jobs while school is still in session.
You need parents and grandparents to buy tickets. Preferably season tickets.
You need customers to spend money while they’re at the park.
Oh, and some good weather doesn’t hurt either.
So how did this client do it? By committing to a few key initiatives:
#1 – Be Aggressive Early
Opening weekend for the park is usually in late May. But you can’t wait until then to start selling tickets.
Creating awareness, excitement, and early ticket sales well before the park opens is key to generating cash flow for things like hiring staff and getting the park ready.
Getting out early with digital marketing for staff jobs and ticket sales is a key factor.
#2 – Core Message Consistency
It’s tempting to try and come up with catchy new marketing campaigns. But there’s something to be said for beating the same drum over and over again.
Repetition of a core marketing message helps people retain that information in the face of thousands of marketing messages we get each day.
Especially when it’s a compelling marketing message.
Stick to your core message long enough to give it time to work!
#3 – Up Your Creative Game
This client made a bold step to invest more time and effort into their visual content. In their case, videos.
The client had used primarily still images, with a bit of video content rolled in.
This year, they flipped that formula on it’s ear!
Their new video content was fun and exciting, and did a much better job of showcasing what their park experience was really like.
Amplify those new creatives with digital advertising, and they saw their cost per sale go down to it’s best number ever!
Set Your Own Records
Ready to have your own record year? It all starts with a customized marketing plan.