$50k Jobs are No Longer Unusual
Monday, 09 October 2023
Nothing drives home improvement contractors crazier than low-quality leads. What do I mean? Getting leads in who are shopping prices, looking for one thing they could potentially get at a box store, or pitting 2-3 contractors against each other in the bidding process. Better Quality Leads = Higher Average Tickets One of our kitchen
- Published in Business, Case Study
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We’re Booked Out for 2 Solid Months
Monday, 09 October 2023
Home improvement contractors usually know 1 important metric – how far out are their crews booked? One recent client of ours told us they went from being booked out for about a week, which made scheduling and payroll nerve-wracking, to being booked out for 2 solid months. This massive change comes after just one month
- Published in Business, Case Study
3 Steps to a Record Year in 2023 for Water Park Client
Monday, 18 September 2023
Setting a record in year sales is no easy feat, especially given the up-and-down economy everyone has faced in 2023. In order to have a great water park season, you need lots and lots of teenagers to apply for staff jobs while school is still in session. You need parents and grandparents to buy tickets.
- Published in Case Study, Digital Marketing
How to Finally Understand WHY Your Marketing Isn’t Working
Monday, 18 September 2023
I get it, you’re a business owner. Maybe even a tradesman at heart. You know your business. You know how to take care of customers. And you know your industry. Marketing, on the other hand, you don’t feel so great about. Sitting through a meeting with your marketing person, and listening to reasons you don’t
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Why doing the opposite in marketing is smarter than you think
Monday, 18 September 2023
As humans, we take comfort in conformity. If we see lots of other people doing something, then it must be OK, right? Or when it comes to business, if lots of people are doing something, then it must be working, right? These are dangerous assumptions to make when it comes to marketing and growing your
- Published in Digital Marketing
Jewelry Marketing Mini-Workshop: Attract More Clients with Your Brand Message
Monday, 02 January 2023
Local jewelers – want to attract better clientele in 2023? Let’s start by working on your brand message! Here’s the thing… I hear many jewelers complaining about the type of clients who come into their showrooms. Price-shoppers. People with unreasonable expectations. You know the kind of client that drives you crazy. I believe the reason
- Published in Digital Marketing
Jewelry Marketing Survivial Guide for 2024
Monday, 02 January 2023
Local jewelry store owners… do you have a plan in place for 2024 to hit your revenue goals? If not, it’s time… 🌟 When I look at the clients we work with & what makes them successful, they all have one thing in common: Excellent strategic planning. That planning starts at the end of the
- Published in Digital Marketing
A powerful hack for protecting your online reputation
Thursday, 15 December 2022
Some people are “glass half full” types. Others believe the glass is always half empty. Whatever your disposition in life, you have to be prepared for the fact that some customers may not trust your business right away. In fact, some people might wonder if your company is a scam. How do we know? We
- Published in Digital Marketing
2022 Jewelry Ecom Conference Speaker
Wednesday, 23 February 2022
Listen in as Andre’ Savoie presents insightful tactics for ecommerce jewelers based on what works well for local jewelers in his session for this year’s 2022 Jewelry Ecommerce Conference organized by Jewelryecomm.com. Here is a description of the presentation: Local jewelers took a page out of the ecom playbook thanks to COVID. Now it’s time
- Published in As Seen On, Jewelry