I’ve got a question for you today. Let’s say I gave you the rights (and the budget) to advertise in an NFL stadium for a Sunday game. You get one of two options: you could have somebody run around the field one time with your banner, or you could have one person stand with your sign in one section of the stadium for the whole game. Which would you choose?
Based on how a majority of people market their business, they’re opting for the guy running around the stadium. By spreading their ads too thin, they’re getting the same effect that this option would have: people get a glance, but no real impact.
Covering too wide of an area without having enough of a budget ultimately hurts the returns on your ads. What you really want for maximum impact is to have the guy standing in one section with the sign for hours.
With that option, people have recall–they’ll remember your sign, they’ll have the chance to see it again and again, they’ll be able to Google it and find out more about you. They’ll actually retain what they see rather than just getting a glimpse like they would with the guy running around the field.
So here’s your tip of the day: Focus your advertising campaigns in one area. By sticking close to home, you’ll get maximum results.
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